According to KNV, the pink taxi would actually not be necessary...

According to KNV, the pink taxi would actually not be necessary...

According to Hubert Andela of the trade association Royal Dutch Transport, the pink taxi should actually not be necessary. Every driver should put all customers at ease. After…

Girl's Ride women's taxi is thinking of a taxi for women

Girl's Ride women's taxi is thinking of a taxi for women

When you think of female-friendly cities, you may spontaneously think of public toilets and more lighting, but not immediately of women's taxis. If it were up to Girl's Ride, there would soon be two taxis on Saturday evenings…

WOTA launches new taxi app in Vienna for women driven…

WOTA launches new taxi app in Vienna for women driven…

WOTA (abbreviation for Woman Taxi) is the name of the new app, which will be launched in Vienna on August 28. Only female drivers are allowed to drive the rides and only female…