


Innotrans 2024: Dutch and Flemish talent shines in Berlin

During the largest edition of InnoTrans 2024 in Berlin, which takes place from 24 to 27 September, we will of course also be there to report on the latest trends and innovations in the rail and mobility sector. The international…


Networking: Successful TOMP working group meeting brings mobility experts together

The TOMP Working Group Summer Meeting in The Hague attracted many involved members and was a great success. The event, which took place in the heart of the city of The Hague, offered an ideal opportunity for both new and existing members to…

check in

KiM: one in ten Dutch people can hardly bear transport costs

Recent research shows that 10% of the adult population in the Netherlands has difficulty paying for their transportation. This problem mainly affects people with low incomes, single parents and the unemployed. The financial pressure they experience forces them to…


Construction hubs: construction sector struggles with low truck load factors

Reports of empty trucks in the construction industry continue to increase, despite efforts to increase efficiency. According to Paul van der Linde, construction cluster manager and secretary of the waste transport market, criticism is too often leveled at transport entrepreneurs. “Of course there is room…

VW van

From hobby to investment: the love for classics continues to grow

The pleasure of driving a beautifully restored car is enhanced by the knowledge that these vehicles can also be a smart investment. Classic car enthusiasts have known for a long time: old love never dies. Whether it's sunny…

Go Sharing

Go Sharing disappears from Brabant: scooters only remain in Amsterdam

The company has announced that from now on, the shared scooters and bicycles will only be on the streets in Amsterdam. The bright green scooters and electric bicycles from Go Sharing are disappearing from the streets of Eindhoven, Tilburg and Den Bosch. The company has announced…

Ten days of party: the city of Ghent guarantees accessibility during parties

Ten days of party: the city of Ghent guarantees accessibility during parties

Public transport and cycling are the best ways to reach the Ghent Festivities. The Ghent Festivities, an annual event that attracts both locals and visitors from all over Flanders and beyond, will start this year on Friday at…


Code of conduct for student associations: zero tolerance for inappropriate behavior

Nowadays, students must be reminded through a code of conduct what is normal within our society. Respect for each other and integrity within the student associations form an essential basis for free mobility within the academic community. Being able to move and mix in different…

job change

Hyperloop innovation: Delft team presents track change for fastest train in the world

The addition of the lane switch is a breakthrough, because it brings the realization of a European Hyperloop network closer. The Delft Hyperloop student team has made history by being the first in the world to add a track change to the Hyperloop, the…

Europees Parlement

Elections: Europe invests millions in sustainable transport in the Netherlands

The Netherlands benefits from billions of euros in EU subsidies for infrastructure. The European Union announced last year that it is investing 6,2 billion euros in sustainable, safe and efficient transport infrastructure in several member states, including the Netherlands. This investment comes from the EU funding program Connecting…

Melanie van der Horst

Amsterdam: van der Horst unveils plans for better accessibility and additional stops

7,5 million euros extra for better public transport in Amsterdam! Amsterdam councilor Melanie van der Horst (D66), responsible for traffic, transport and air quality, public space and greenery, water and the North approach, today provided insight into the plans for…

Hope, courage and pride under the microscope: the mobility vision of the new cabinet

Hope, courage and pride under the microscope: the mobility vision of the new cabinet

The Dutch people have chosen this, the Wilders cabinet is coming! The new outline agreement 2024 – 2028, entitled 'Hope, Courage and Pride', released by PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB, sheds an ambitious light on the future of Dutch mobility. This policy document promises…


Shuttel: cycling to work is gaining ground on public transport

Large organizations are putting a lot of effort into making their mobility more sustainable, without this necessarily having to lead to higher costs. Cycling to work is becoming increasingly popular and appears to play a key role in making mobility within Dutch…


Report: KiM lifts the veil on hidden mobility costs

It is not easy to determine what, for example, a road user or train passenger must pay to cover infrastructure costs and the costs of negative effects. The Knowledge Institute for Mobility Policy (KiM) recently published an in-depth analysis of the economic…


Vehicle dedication: blessing on wheels draws hundreds to Adegem

Saint Christopher behind the sun visor. “Lord our God, we thank you for this chariot.” After an eight-year break, the traditional car consecration took place again in Adegem, near Maldegem. This long-cherished tradition attracted more than 600 directors this year...


Passenger transport: time for an upgrade of the Passenger Transport Act 2000

Not surprising, because the law was written when there was no smartphone yet, when we could not yet digitally link forms of transport. The Passenger Transport Act 2000, a law that regulates various forms of passenger transport…


Policy: Mpact fights for the inclusion of mobility rights in the constitution

Preferably in a sustainable way, such as by bicycle or public transport. Mpact vzw, known for its efforts in the field of sustainable and accessible mobility, is launching a call on Belgian politics to formally…


Innovation: green future on rails during InnoTrans 2024

The InnoTrans is an excellent opportunity to experience the latest and most innovative solutions in transport technology, which contribute to a more sustainable world. On the road to a greener future, exhibitors at InnoTrans 2024 emphasize their commitment to sustainability. This international…

Decisiveness: cooperation and financing essential for future transport

Decisiveness: cooperation and financing essential for future transport

The Mobility Alliance, the VNG and the IPO urgently appeal to the intended coalition to make mobility an inseparable part of new policy. In the current political climate, with a new cabinet on the way, the pressure for substantial and…

KNV Connected Mobility

KNV: Mobility innovators join forces for a green future

KNV Connected Mobility offers a unique platform where companies from all segments of the mobility sector can collaborate. The mobility sector in the Netherlands is undergoing a significant transformation with the aim of transitioning to a greener, more efficient and more demand-driven mobility structure. This change is…


Self-driving cars: a revolution with an expensive price tag

The future of self-driving cars will be shaped not only by technological advances, but also by how we as a society address and solve these questions. Self-driving cars have been in the spotlight for years as the technological breakthrough that will shape the future...

Green light for shared steps: Antwerp invites providers

Green light for shared steps: Antwerp invites providers

Prospective operators can apply for this by submitting a permit application. Antwerp is committed to sustainable mobility with the introduction of a new shared scooter offering. The city has opened the market to potential suppliers of electric scooter sharing, in an effort to...

Healthcare transport and taxi

Future vision: how KNV meets the challenges of tomorrow

The pursuit of a future-proof healthcare transport and taxi sector is more than an ambition. It is a necessity for Dutch society. To realize this vision, the Royal Dutch Transport (KNV) emphasizes three crucial key points. These guiding principles are not only…

Sampo Hietanen

Whim: Despite the bankruptcy of MaaS Global, the future of MaaS does not seem bleak

The bankruptcy of MaaS Global, known for the mobility app Whim, is a crucial turn for the mobility sector. The Finnish company Maas Global, known for the Whim app, has filed for bankruptcy, as reported by the bankruptcy register managed by the Finnish Legal Center…

Gaiyo and GO Sharing join forces for greener cities

Gaiyo and GO Sharing join forces for greener cities

With this addition, users now have even more choice than ever before. At a time when cities around the world are addressing the challenges of mobility and sustainability, Gaiyo is leading the way with innovative solutions. A striking example…

Students are taking mobility in a new direction with equality at the forefront

Students are taking mobility in a new direction with equality at the forefront

With young people at the helm, we get a fresh look at inclusive mobility. As diversity and inclusion receive increasing attention, the issue of gender differences in the mobility sector remains an important topic of discussion. The celebration of International Women's Day 2024 offered…

GVB subway

Rush hour transport breaks records and public transport beats the car in urban race

“Public transport is more important than you think.” In today's society, where sustainability and efficiency are increasingly high on the agenda, public transport plays a crucial role in the mobility of cities. Nico van Paridon, strategist for new mobility and innovation,…


Babboe must stop selling its cargo bikes

According to the NVWA, Babboe failed to adequately investigate the causes of these defects and the company failed to take the necessary measures to prevent further incidents. RTL Nieuws recently published a study about the structural…

Will you be the king's new coachman?

Will you be the king's new coachman?

Do you enjoy training and caring for horses? Then read on! In a unique look behind the royal scenes, the Royal Household Service offers a special career opportunity for horse lovers. We are looking for an enthusiastic…


If you don't have a BOB, use the extra buses and trains during carnival

Everyone knows that alcohol and traffic don't go together. Traveling festively? You can get there during the carnival days, but first check out the local adjustments. The carnival weekend is just around the corner, and like every year, this festive event brings some important changes…

Photo: Frank Oostdam - ANVR

Taxi drivers will soon be able to speak Dutch fluently now that the deadline has been postponed

In the past week it was announced that Frank Oostdam is packing his suitcases, while the railways are putting early bookers on the right track. Under the leadership of Minister Lydia Peeters, a decision was made that has a direct impact on taxi drivers in Flanders. The…

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