De Lijn is launching Hoppin, a new era for Limburg…

De Lijn is launching Hoppin, a new era for Limburg…

Will Hoppin be the key to more efficient and user-friendly public transport in Limburg? From January 6, 2024, public transport in the Limburg Transport Region will undergo a major change. The implementation of…

Flanders makes conversion to electric vehicles possible

Flanders makes conversion to electric vehicles possible

New regulations make retrofit of combustion engine vehicles to electric propulsion possible in Flanders. Under the leadership of Minister Lydia Peeters of Mobility and Public Works, the Flemish Government…

Photo: De Lijn - Iveco

Flanders is accelerating towards emission-free public transport with new e-buses

De Lijn is strengthening sustainable transport with an investment of more than 33 million euros in electric articulated buses. Flanders is making big steps towards a greener future with the latest investment from...

Introducing hydrogen technology or child-free escape zones?

Introducing hydrogen technology or child-free escape zones?

A weekly overview full of extremes. The management of VDL Nedcar has indicated that the downsizing is necessary to ensure the continued existence of the factory. In a period where sustainable…

Pioneering transport technology in Helmond awarded Urban C-ITS 2023

Pioneering transport technology in Helmond awarded Urban C-ITS 2023

A European recognition for Helmond's active efforts in the field of smart mobility. The Dutch city of Helmond, a member of the POLIS network, has distinguished itself in the world of…

Royal Dutch Transport launches KNV Connected Mobility

Royal Dutch Transport launches KNV Connected Mobility

With the launch of KNV Connected Mobility, the trade association is proposing a new course. After the farewell to Sonila Metushi and the subsequent silence around the MaaS lab, Royal Dutch…

State Secretary Heijnen and local authorities extend emission-free cooperation

State Secretary Heijnen and local authorities extend emission-free cooperation

Local and national governments, together with the private sector, face the challenge of keeping up with the rapid changes in electric mobility. During the National Sustainable Mobility Conference in…

Eindhoven is warming up for the 39th ASML Marathon

Eindhoven is warming up for the 39th ASML Marathon

All in all, the 39th ASML Marathon shows that Eindhoven is more than a technology hub. It is a city where sports and a sense of community come to a head, year…

Paris and Antwerp show the way in European bicycle sharing research

Paris and Antwerp show the way in European bicycle sharing research

Financing remains a tricky issue. Although European funds such as the Social Climate Fund can play a role, Isabelle Vandoorne from DG MOVE emphasized that public-private partnerships will be essential for…

The Senate rejects popular work-from-home law, sowing division in the…

The Senate rejects popular work-from-home law, sowing division in the…

From strong support in the House of Representatives to unexpected rejection in the Senate, interest groups and experts respond. Not entirely unexpectedly, the Senate has put an end to the much-discussed bill...

From delays in Flemish school buses to international aviation conflict

From delays in Flemish school buses to international aviation conflict

In the international aviation world, the American JetBlue Airways has accused the Dutch government of violating international agreements. In the Netherlands, the SGP, the oldest political party in the…

In addition to traditional values, SGP focuses on mobility and…

In addition to traditional values, SGP focuses on mobility and…

The SGP is over 100 years old and the oldest party in the Netherlands ever. Yet they remain recognizable at their core: the SGP anchor point, the Bible, remains. Yet inside…