check in

KiM: one in ten Dutch people can hardly…

Recent research shows that 10% of the adult population…


Construction hubs: construction sector struggles with low truck load factors

The number of reports about empty trucks in the construction sector continues…

VW van

From hobby to investment: the love for classics remains...

The pleasure of driving a beautifully restored car…

Go Sharing

Go Sharing disappears from Brabant: scooters remain only in…

The company has announced that the shared scooters and bicycles…


Code of conduct for student associations: zero tolerance for inappropriate behavior

Nowadays, students must be reminded through a code of conduct what...

job change

Hyperloop innovation: Delft team presents track change for fastest train…

The addition of the lane switch is a breakthrough, because…

Europees Parlement

Elections: Europe invests millions in sustainable transport in the Netherlands

The Netherlands benefits from billions of euros in EU subsidies for infrastructure. The…

Melanie van der Horst

Amsterdam: van der Horst unveils plans for better accessibility…

7,5 million euros extra for better public transport in Amsterdam!…

Hope, courage and pride under the microscope: the mobility vision...

Hope, courage and pride under the microscope: the mobility vision...

The Dutch people have chosen this, the Wilders cabinet is coming!…


Shuttel: cycling to work is gaining ground on public transport

Large organizations are putting a lot of effort into making their…


Report: KiM lifts the veil on…

It is not easy to determine what, for example, a…