Highest number of road fatalities since 2008

Highest number of road fatalities since 2008

To reduce the number of road casualties, significant investments are necessary in traffic enforcement and bicycle safety, among other things. The Road Safety Coalition is deeply affected by the enormous increase in the number of...

The number of young driving license holders is still below the pre-…

The number of young driving license holders is still below the pre-…

At the beginning of 20, the number of under-2023s with a driving license increased by 5,4 percent to 191 thousand compared to a year earlier. Before the start of the corona pandemic in early 2020, 227…

charging station

The electric car is having a hard time, too expensive in…

The electric car does not meet the economic needs of motorists. Everything is done to put the electric car in a good light, but that…

Most accidents with absenteeism in transport

Most accidents with absenteeism in transport

In addition to employees in transport and logistics professions (2,8 percent), the percentage of employees with an industrial accident resulting in at least one day of absence was also relatively high among employees with a technical (2,5…

The government expects 6,3 billion in road tax

The government expects 6,3 billion in road tax

The road tax (motor vehicle tax) consists of a government part and a part intended for provinces. The national government and provinces expect to jointly receive more than 2023 billion euros in road tax in 6,3. That…

Profit tax seafaring absolute necessity

Profit tax seafaring absolute necessity

If the Netherlands wants to remain a major international maritime player in the current level playing field, then maintaining an attractive tonnage scheme is an absolute necessity. Turnover in maritime shipping…

Increase in passengers at Dutch airports

Increase in passengers at Dutch airports

In addition to an increase in the number of passengers, the number of passenger flights also showed an increase. In the third quarter of 2022, 18,7 million passengers traveled to and from one of…

Unemployment up slightly again

Unemployment up slightly again

Measured over a longer period, the trend is still that unemployment is falling. Despite the clamor for employees in all sectors, it is striking that unemployment is again...

Getting your driver's license is an expensive hobby

Getting your driver's license is an expensive hobby

Getting your driver's license is an expensive hobby, nowadays what you actually spend before you even get your driver's license. Is this only for rich people or for Jan...

Corona pandemic has halved aviation CO2 emissions

Corona pandemic has halved aviation CO2 emissions

Aviation has been seriously affected by the corona pandemic. Booking trips for pleasure has not been an option for more than a year, only essential trips are…

Fietsersbond wants action for road safety for cyclists

Fietsersbond wants action for road safety for cyclists

In 2020, 229 cyclists died in traffic, according to new figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). That is the highest number in 25 years.…

Fewer fatalities in traffic last year

Fewer fatalities in traffic last year

Due to the consequences of the corona crisis, there is less traffic on Dutch roads. Yet accidents still often occur and there are traffic fatalities and injuries. From figures from…