Royal Military Police

Royal Military Police: Flixbus travelers found without documents

During a routine check by the Royal Military Police on the A2…

Schiphol Airport

Border controls enter a new era with Digital Travel Credential

KL672 landed at Schiphol from Montreal with passengers…

How do you prevent skin color from not being taken into account when…

How do you prevent skin color from not being taken into account when…

The court literally calls ethnic profiling a serious form of…

Germany no longer sees the Netherlands as a high-risk area

Germany no longer sees the Netherlands as a high-risk area

Germany relaxes the rules for Dutch people coming to the country…

Declaration on honor necessary to travel to Belgium

Declaration on honor necessary to travel to Belgium

From Wednesday January 27 to March 1, 2021 you can…


Border control should keep the Dutch away from sales

Due to the measures against the coronavirus, the winter sales 2021 are starting...

More than a quarter of cabotage operations are illegal

More than a quarter of cabotage operations are illegal

When a carrier from an EU Member State transports goods between two…

Belgians are allowed to cross the border to visit family members

Belgians are allowed to cross the border to visit family members

[responsivevoice_button voice=”Dutch Female” buttontext=”read out”] From Saturday 30 May…

France regrets reopening its neighbors' borders

France regrets reopening its neighbors' borders

[responsivevoice_button voice=”Dutch Female” buttontext=”read”] Spain, Italy and Germany have…

Grapperhaus calls on Germans not to come to the Netherlands

Grapperhaus calls on Germans not to come to the Netherlands

We would like to have a good night's sleep, but we will spend some time without…

Decline in turnover during the corona crisis makes pump holders creative

Decline in turnover during the corona crisis makes pump holders creative

Just when the price of petrol is lower than in living memory,…