relax as a driver

Research: travel time reason number one for working from home

According to the National Survey of Working Conditions 2023, the average travel time…

On the way to 2024: travel costs and traffic fines under…

On the way to 2024: travel costs and traffic fines under…

In 2024 there will be some changes in the Dutch mobility allowances…

As the storm rages along the coast,…

As the storm rages along the coast,…

It would make more sense to coordinate the advice…

Working from home

The Senate rejects popular work-from-home law, sowing division in the…

Despite the varied and sometimes passionate opinions, working from home remains a…

The Municipality of Rotterdam has become Spitbreaker of the year

The Municipality of Rotterdam has become Spitbreaker of the year

More than 80 percent of employees work from home, which means…

We wish everyone a happy new year

We wish everyone a happy new year

We see that there is increasing attention to sustainability...

Working from home out of favor to save energy costs

Working from home out of favor to save energy costs

Working from home therefore results in higher energy costs, unless you…

KiM investigates working from home and modes of transport

KiM investigates working from home and modes of transport

After the abolition of the corona measures, Dutch people are currently still working...

Working from home on coworking places is not a solution

Working from home on coworking places is not a solution

Whether working from home can be replaced by coworking spaces depends on…


IenW has launched a public campaign about hybrid works

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management recently started…

Many companies want to continue to work from home

Many companies want to continue to work from home

A study by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management…

More and more Belgians are working from home from Spain

More and more Belgians are working from home from Spain

More and more Belgians are buying a cutting in Spain as…