Government staff: green light for more sustainable travel and cycling is…

Government staff: green light for more sustainable travel and cycling is…

This new collective labor agreement reflects a modern labor policy that focuses on the personal situation of employees, their health and the environment. Alexandra van Huffelen, State Secretary for Kingdom Relations and Digitalization,…

UZ Gent goes from four to two wheels for…

UZ Gent goes from four to two wheels for…

New measures stimulate cycling culture, improve accessibility for patients and relieve parking pressure around the hospital. In a world where climate change is becoming an increasingly pressing issue, companies and organizations are looking…

Lease bicycle as fringe benefits

Lease bicycle as fringe benefits

Only a third (32 percent) of employers in the Netherlands offer their staff a lease bicycle or a bicycle scheme. While 8 in 10 working Dutch people see this as...

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Working Dutch people are open to a business lease bicycle

Cycling, with or without electric drive, is popular. Yet only 1% of working Dutch people currently ride a business bicycle or e-bike. While more than 70% of professionals…

New on the pay slip as of 2020 is an addition for…

New on the pay slip as of 2020 is an addition for…

People also often use their company car or bicycle for private purposes. They have to pay tax on those private kilometers. This is clear for a company car, because the…