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On March 17, Brussels Mobility is organizing the School Transport Plans Show. There, the results of 15 years of cooperation with and support of Brussels schools for the switch to active mobility will be examined.

With a School transport plan a school gains a better understanding of its current mobility situation and can be guided in the design, implementation and evaluation of actions to encourage more active and safer movements. Brussels Mobility has been supporting schools in this process for 15 years. Since 2006, 490 school sites (2/3 of all Brussels schools) have already started a School Transport Plan and today 250 are still actively working on it.
The result? 


Today, 62% of primary school pupils and 84% of secondary school pupils use a mode of transport other than a car for home-school trips on at least 1 out of 2 days. Brussels Mobility wants to increase these percentages to 2030% and 70% respectively by 90. This ambition is in line with the objectives for 'more active' mobility in the regional mobility plan GoodMove† It also contributes to a greater ability to concentrate, more independence and better health of the children.

In 2021, despite the corona crisis, 200 schools submitted a mobility project, all supported by Brussels Mobility to be implemented quickly.

Since this year, Brussels Mobility has strengthened its direct support for schools by offering bicycle sheds, bicycles, balance bikes, helmets, training courses (bicycle, pedestrian and multimodal license) and numerous activities.

An example of a concrete action: in 2021, twenty teachers received bicycle mechanics training and a box of repair material to maintain the school's bicycle park. Bicycles that are useful and necessary for learning to ride a bicycle and for going to the swimming pool or visiting a museum.

Read also  Policy: Mpact fights for the inclusion of mobility rights in the constitution

Bicycle sheds were also placed at 64 school buildings.

In addition, the Region is working with the municipalities to introduce school streets, adapt the school environment and support the organization of walking and cycling routes.

Finally develops Brussels Mobility tools (practice sheets, games) to better support and guide schools in their pedagogical task. This helps the teachers in teaching skills according to age: walking and cycling in primary education, multimodality in secondary education.

In September 2022, the theme of Mobility Week will also revolve around the theme 'A city for children' and will also be a new action 'On foot, by bike to school' set up.

For Elke Van den Brandt, Minister of Mobility and Road Safety “A child should be able to move freely in our city. That is not always the case today: pollution and dangerous streets stop many, often even literally keep children inside. Brussels can and must do better. A city tailored to children is an accessible city for everyone. The theme of Mobility Week marks our choice for such a city."

Also read: Planning visual group transport is a challenge

Pitane Mobility Visual Planning