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The number of reports of nuisance at Rotterdam The Hague Airport (RTHA) increased by about a quarter in the period between November 2020 and October 2021, the airport reports based on the annual report. In the same period, the number of flights increased by 15 percent.

The report was made by DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond. In total, DCMR received 38.113 reports about air traffic to and from the airport. In 2019/2020 there were 30.773. Nearly 25.000 reports were made in the past measurement period by a small group of 51 frequent callers and the rest by 1377 people who rang the bell less often.

The amount of measured aircraft noise has remained approximately the same in 2021 compared to 2020. The airport thinks that the increase in the number of nuisance reports is due to the fact that after the corona period, in which there was little or no flying, air traffic suddenly became more noticeable.

In all of 2021, 764.061 passengers traveled to and from RTHA, an increase of 267.000 compared to the first corona year 2020. The number of air movements of commercial scheduled and holiday flights rose to 6355 flights, 20 percent more than a year earlier.

Also read: Sustainable flying from Rotterdam The Hague Airport

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