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The COP26 climate conference in Glasgow is currently underway and last Saturday the special climate train traveled from Amsterdam to the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow. On board were young people and politicians, but also people who work in the train sector themselves. It would be a lot better for the planet if everyone traveled more by public transport instead of by car or plane. According to Erika van der Linden of Rail to he COP, trains emit on average only 10 percent of CO2 compared to airplanes. Rail to the COP is a Youth for Sustainable Travel campaign. Youth for Sustainable Travel is a European non-profit organization that aims to promote sustainable travel and raise awareness about issues in the travel industry. 

Is traveling by train actually better for your wallet or is it just something you have to do to save our planet from destruction? Fuel prices are currently continuing to rise and refueling does not make you happy either. Recently made Schiphol Airport announced that they want to increase airport charges by 3 percent over the next 37 years. As a result, airline tickets become more expensive. According to Schiphol, Schiphol's new port charges will encourage more sustainable aviation in various ways. The Dutch Railways recently announced that from 1 January next year the prices of train tickets and season tickets will become more expensive. Prices go up by an average of 1,8 percent. 

In this way they can pay the increased costs for wages, energy and maintenance, for example. This percentage has been determined by the Central Planning Bureau (CPB). Second-class one-way and return journeys will become 1,8 percent more expensive on average, but first-class trips will become 3 percent more expensive on average. The Railrunner, Dagkaart Hond and Fietskaart Dal, which were previously only available at a ticket machine or counter, but are now also available online, are also one euro more expensive if you buy them as a paper ticket at the ticket machine or counter at the station. This means that all paper train tickets have a surcharge of one euro. If you travel internationally by train, it will cost you 2,1 percent more on average. The Sparpreis rates for destinations to and through Germany and the Early Bird rates for the intercity Brussels will remain the same next year. It is a calculation which method of travel is most interesting for you and what you are willing to pay to travel sustainably. 

Also read: Three quarters of all shared bicycles consist of public transport bicycles

Airport charges at Schiphol will increase by 3 percent in the next three years.