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The cabinet is extending the availability fee that public transport companies have received since last year to continue driving during the corona crisis until September 2021. 370 million euros is reserved for the extension. Previously, it had been agreed with the public transport sector that the availability payment would continue until July 2021 and that a reduced scheme would be considered for the second half of 2021.

Renewing the scheme now is a logical step as it is uncertain how long this crisis will last. It is important for travelers that they can rely on reliable public transport. With the availability fee, we keep the Netherlands accessible by public transport, so that elderly people can take the bus to get their corona vaccination, healthcare staff can come to work by metro and students can travel by train to their practical exam.

Due to the fall in the number of travelers, the income of the public transport companies has decreased sharply. At the same time, the cabinet has asked carriers to keep the timetables up to date as much as possible, so that necessary journeys can be made safely. For that reason, the availability compensation was introduced last year. The government made 1,5 billion euros for 2020 and 740 million euros available for the first half of 2021 to reimburse more than 90% of the costs of public transport companies. This scheme will now be continued under the same conditions up to and including the third quarter.

A decision on the fourth quarter will be made no later than 1 July. Before that time, public transport companies and governments will investigate how cost savings and optimisations are possible. The development of the corona crisis will also be included in that decision.

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Stientje van Veldhoven
Stientje van Veldhoven