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The Moroccan authorities announced on Sunday evening that they have closed access to a number of large cities, because of a new corona outbreak. No one has been allowed in or out of these cities since tonight. These are the following eight major cities: Meknès, Tangier, Marrakesh, Casablanca, Berrechid, Settat, Fès and Tetouan. More cities may follow if the number of coronavirus infections continues to rise. 

Yesterday, in Morocco, there were about 633 people who tested positive for the coronavirus, which is a record number and that is also the reason for the government to slam some big cities. This closure of cities yesterday caused enormous crowds on the Moroccan roads, residents tried to get home in time. At a toll station between Rabat and Casablanca, according to reports on social media, there was a line of two kilometers. A number of exceptions have been made for travel to and from these cities for the transport of essential goods and people who have obtained permission from local authorities and are in possession of a travel permit. 

About a month ago, the corona measures were relaxed in Morocco, the borders opened in mid-July for foreigners who wanted to leave Morocco and for Moroccans who wanted to return to Morocco. The opening of the borders in mid-July was subject to a condition, travelers who wanted to enter Morocco first had to do a corona test and be able to show that they had no corona. For the Netherlands, the travel advice to Morocco is on the website today The Netherlands worldwide on code orange, this means that only necessary trips are possible and that the borders are closed for regular traffic such as tourism. Airspace is only open to specific groups, international flights to and from Morocco are still canceled. At the end of this week is actually the sacrificial festival in Morocco, this will now turn out differently than usual.

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