Month: April

Lage Weide wants to invest sustainably in bicycle traffic

[responsivevoice_button voice="Dutch Female" buttontext="read out"] The Central Planning Bureau is taking into account an economic recession and so are entrepreneurs at the Lage Weide business park. Traffic congestion is therefore not the first thing you think about these days. Nevertheless, Lage Weide wants to put together an action package to improve the accessibility of the site

The Municipality of Overijse will delete the Grape Festivities on the agenda

[responsivevoice_button voice="Dutch Female" buttontext="read out"] Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. In the fight against the corona virus, the college of mayor and aldermen has therefore decided not to allow the Druivenfeesten to continue this year. The municipality of Overijse deletes the Grape Festival from the calendar due to the corona virus. The National Security Council has already banned it