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The previously announced demonstration of taxi drivers on the Malieveld is prohibited. A large number of taxi drivers who also want to claim the compensation scheme intended for entrepreneurs who have been duped by the corona crisis, called via social media to collect on the Malieveld on Tuesday. 

The demonstration was not officially registered and announced on social media and via WhatsApp, but the signal was amplified by the local city broadcaster AT5.

“It is irresponsible to come together with large groups at a time when every Dutch person is called on to stay at home. It is a threat to public health and therefore I will not allow it, ”Acting Mayor Remkes said in a statement.

KNV chairman said in a statement on Radio 1 Bertho Eckhardt know that this demonstration was not proclaimed by the KNV but was prepared spontaneously from the Amsterdam boarding market. Our editors also gave a signal that demonstrating at the Malieveld cannot count on understanding among the population in these difficult times. The After all, the sector is not waiting for such actions in terms of its image.

“We understand all parties and are currently in talks with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK). It goes without saying that there should be clarity soon, preferably today, he said Eckhardt in the radio program Eenandaag this afternoon."

Bertho Eckhardt is rightfully angry

Last Friday, Minister of Nieuwenhuizen advised travelers to only take a taxi if there is an absolute necessity for this. And to make matters worse, entrepreneurs in taxi and coach transport are not yet eligible for the TOGS scheme. 

Read also  Schiphol: the hunt for a ride does not let taxi recruiters go

This scheme (a contribution of 4.000 euros net for fixed costs) was introduced by the cabinet last week. The NOW scheme was introduced for personnel costs. After criticism from retail entrepreneurs, the cabinet has slightly expanded the TOGS scheme, but passenger transport companies are still left empty-handed. State Secretary Mona Keijzer replied to questions about taxi transport, which were included in the TV program WNL on Sunday, "We are looking at that."

"Incomprehensible," said KNV chairman Bertho Eckhardt. 'Last Friday, Minister of Nieuwenhuizen advised travelers to only take a taxi if there is an absolute necessity to do so. Think of basic necessity, medical necessity or because of a vital profession. That is close to a ban and in any case leads to taxi companies in the consumer market having to deal with a loss of turnover of up to 100%. ”

Also read: "Incomprehensible," said KNV chairman Bertho Eckhardt

Bertho Eckhardt - chairman KNV and Bus transport Netherlands