Mobility alarm bells are sounding louder than ever for the political party programme

Mobility alarm bells are sounding louder than ever for the political party programme

From affordability to sustainability: how do political parties want to keep our country mobile in the coming years? It is an urgent call that sounds like an alarm bell in everyone's ears...

The brave utopia of the SP is a radical…

The brave utopia of the SP is a radical…

Both Marijnissen and the party program envision a politics that is rooted in the experiences and needs of everyday people, rather than one that is limited to the corridors of...

SP Groningen starts hotline for users of Wmo transport

SP Groningen starts hotline for users of Wmo transport

The municipality will cut 225.000 euros in Wmo transport. This has consequences for the people living in the old municipality of Groningen and who are dependent on taxi transport due to illness or disabilities...

SP asks parliamentary questions about the expensive insurance of taxis

SP asks parliamentary questions about the expensive insurance of taxis

The members of the SP faction ask the Minister questions about the increase in insurance premiums and legal liability, which has a major impact, and conclude that this increase in insurance costs…