BikeFlip, kids grow, bikes don't

BikeFlip, kids grow, bikes don't

Who doesn't remember their first 'big' bike to take to school? Getting a new bicycle is often a special event for children, which will last them for the rest of…

Energy crisis leaves the Flemish car on the side more

Energy crisis leaves the Flemish car on the side more

Choosing the bicycle and public transport not only provides financial savings for Flemish people, but also offers other benefits. Two-thirds of Flemish people drive…

Cyclists are annoyed by the lack of facilities

Cyclists are annoyed by the lack of facilities

Cycling for pleasure is immensely popular in our country. From long bike rides to short detours, from home or during holidays. But the range of paths and roads is not…

Route to school shorter by bike than by…

Route to school shorter by bike than by…

Schools have been in session for a number of weeks now and this is noticeable, it is again very busy with cycling students on their way to…

Clearer parking spaces for oversized bicycles

Clearer parking spaces for oversized bicycles

This way they are not illegally parked on the sidewalk. New parking spaces for oversized bicycles appeared at eight locations in Ghent. It is an experiment by De Fietsambassade. In the Volderstraat,…

Stella Cycling stops sponsoring Today Inside

Stella Cycling stops sponsoring Today Inside

At Stella we all work hard. We are down to earth and tell it like it is. The company from Nunspeet in the Veluwe has sponsored the television program Today…

VanMoof has to hand over daily management

VanMoof has to hand over daily management

They are not withdrawing from business operations, Carlier emphasizes. VanMoof is going through a difficult phase and is looking for an experienced manager to support the rapid growth of the…

Commuter thinks electric bicycle is a good idea

Commuter thinks electric bicycle is a good idea

Commuters feel that the responsibility lies less with them. Research by Kantar Public on behalf of Anders Reizen shows that Dutch commuters are more likely to leave their car due to high fuel prices…

Solutions for cleaning up your old bike

Solutions for cleaning up your old bike

We are a real cycling country, almost everyone in our country has a bicycle in the garage. We now have more bicycles in the Netherlands than inhabitants. We had ended…

Saskia Kluit: 'fast guys destroy everything'

Saskia Kluit: 'fast guys destroy everything' een reactie op de ‘slimme’ app van Quinten Adema twittert Saskia Kluit, voorzitter van Rover en Het Lid Eerste Kamer voor Groenlinks, ‘dit soort snelle jongens maken alles kapot…

More and more nuisance from parked bicycles on the sidewalk

More and more nuisance from parked bicycles on the sidewalk

Cycling has several advantages, you get exercise, you reduce CO2 emissions and other unhealthy substances and the bicycle takes up less space than a car. Becomes…

Breda cycles sponsored kilometers together

Breda cycles sponsored kilometers together

Twenty Breda children who cannot afford a bicycle will receive a new bicycle through the 'Breda cycles for Breda' campaign. Nearly 700 fellow citizens have collaborated with the Ring-Ring app in recent months…