charging station

No more stress on holiday about a charging station

SleeperCharger partners with Expedia Group and offers 10.000 business hotels, recreational homes and special accommodations with a charging station. Charging station untraceable. A socket under lock and key. Or a pole that…

Italian Prime Minister Meloni questions environmental plans

Italian Prime Minister Meloni questions environmental plans

EU phase-out of fossil fuel cars unreasonable for Giorgia Meloni. The brand new Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, conservative populist and staunch Eurosceptic, is diametrically opposed to EU interests when it…

Smart Tachograph requires a driver card

Smart Tachograph requires a driver card

To be able to renew a driver card, you must meet the issuance requirements again. As a driver of a bus or truck with a Smart Tachograph, you need a driver card…

Young people get a travel pass to explore Europe

Young people get a travel pass to explore Europe

To win a travel pass, young people must register on the European Youth Portal and answer five quiz questions plus a tiebreaker. The Commission recently published the autumn call for DiscoverEU, inviting 35…

Companies more likely to win public contracts outside the EU

Companies more likely to win public contracts outside the EU

The government is pleased that the International Procurement Instrument is now coming into effect. Companies from the Netherlands and other EU countries that want to carry out government contracts outside the European Union must have better access...

State Secretary Van Rij is going to sort out Uber file

State Secretary Van Rij is going to sort out Uber file

The bond between the Tax Authorities and taxi company Uber seems very close. According to the investigative journalists, the Tax Authorities shared confidential information with Uber and may have committed criminal offenses. The Secretary of State…

Join the conversation about a European digital MaaS identity

Join the conversation about a European digital MaaS identity

With a European recognized identity, you as a consumer can identify yourself safely. Providers of MaaS services are looking with great interest at opportunities to serve international customers...

Volvo market leader heavier electric trucks

Volvo market leader heavier electric trucks

New statistics show that Volvo Trucks will be the market leader in the heavier fully electric truck segment in 42 with a 2021% market share in Europe. In 2021, the manufacturer wrote…

European Union car sales set to rise this year

European Union car sales set to rise this year

Sales of new passenger cars in the European Union will increase by almost 8 percent this year to 10,5 million vehicles. This is what the European automotive industry organization ACEA predicts. Last year…

TUI expects to be able to run a strong summer

TUI expects to be able to run a strong summer

Travel organization TUI expects to have a strong summer despite the omikron variant of the coronavirus. The world's largest tour operator notices that bookings for next summer are above…

Majority of cars sold within EU run on petrol

Majority of cars sold within EU run on petrol

The number of new passenger cars sold in the European Union in 2021 still consisted mainly of petrol cars. About 60 percent of all new cars still run on conventional fuels,…

Chip shortages do European car sales no good

Chip shortages do European car sales no good

The chip shortages did not help European car sales last year. According to the automotive industry association ACEA, sales of new passenger cars in the European Union were 2,4 percent last year...