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Minister Verlinden demands agents after aviation police strike.

This concerns the airports of Zaventem, Ostend, Antwerp, Liège, Charleroi and Wevelgem. However, it is not yet clear which actions will be taken. It has become known that four police unions are threatening actions at Belgian airports from Friday. Substantial budget cuts mean that the police have to do it with less manpower, which threatens not only the safety of colleagues but also that of travelers.

In a written announcement, the unions say that a night shift will be abolished in Zaventem, among others. The workload is so high that the inspectors can no longer sleep at night after their shift. The cancellation of services poses risks, especially at the smaller airports.

Striking officers want to block access roads and hold punctuality actions, among other things. Around these days it is extra busy at the airports because many people return from summer holidays. Charleroi and Zaventem, where many Dutch passengers also depart or arrive, are also faced with actions. Those in Liège, where freight is mainly transported, will start on Monday afternoon.

In a response, the Verlinden cabinet points out that the federal government has invested 310 million euros in the integrated police during this term of office. The Minister of the Interior Annelies Verlinden (CD&V) issued a requisition for airport staff on Tuesday.

Striking officers want to block access roads and hold punctuality actions, among other things.
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