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Consumer collective UnitedConsumers finds that the Average National Recommended Price (GLA) of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) has reached a lower point compared to the GLA at the beginning of 2022. With a price of 1,10 euros per liter, LPG leaves Euro96 and Diesel further behind. and the fuel outperforms itself in the continued decline.

On January 1, 2022, the GLA for LPG was 1,39 euros per liter. Compared to now, that is a difference of 0,29 euros. After a turbulent period in which fuel prices reached record highs, a decline has become visible in recent months. It is striking that, according to UnitedConsumers data, LPG is now diving into the decline in absolute and relative terms compared to Diesel and Euro95. At the moment the price per liter for Diesel is 2,11 euros and for Euro95 2,27 euros. At these prices, these fuels are still high above the GLA on 1 January 2022, 

Continue decline?

The cause of the falling fuel prices is closely related to the falling oil price. Worries about a new recession as a result of a cooling global economy play a role in the falling oil price. The market expects oil demand to decline.

There is a chance that the decline will continue, but at what rate it remains difficult to predict. A global economy in which different countries such as the United States have an influence, creates a dynamic and noticeable difference at the pump every day. For example, the more expensive US dollar against the euro still ensures an average higher oil price than was previously the case on January 1, 2022, according to the report. Consumer collective UnitedConsumers.

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