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Car sharing offers many advantages, you save costs on maintenance, purchase and repairs. You also combat crowds in parking lots throughout the Netherlands and contribute to a cleaner environment. Have you ever heard about the 'Car of the Street' car-sharing competition? The car-sharing competition 'Car of the Street' is an initiative of Natuur & Milieu on behalf of the province of Noord-Holland to stimulate car-sharing and to experience electric driving. Many families today have 1 or 2 cars, many of these cars are not used on a daily basis and are parked for most of the day. The car-sharing competition gives three streets the opportunity to experience what it is like to share an electric car with the neighborhood for 6 months.

“Why own a car if you don't use it 95% of the time? And why do we use public space for parking spaces, while we can also turn it into playgrounds, greenery or a terrace? By sharing a car and driving electrically, you help combat climate change and contribute to the quality of life and sustainability in your neighbourhood.”

This time residents of the Clipper in De Rijp, the Boterbloem in Purmerend and the Indischestraat in Haarlem were selected from 31 interested parties to participate in the car sharing contest† After the summer, 2 five-person cars with a considerable range and an app will be made available per neighbourhood. This is made possible by the province of Noord-Holland, MRA-Elektrisch and MobiCoop. Residents of these streets can use these shared cars at a greatly reduced rate of €2,50 per hour. Charging stations will also be installed. The street that will make the most use of this will gain another 6 months of carsharing.

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