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A car, most families in our country have 1 in front of the door and often 2. We are very used to the convenience of a car, drive to somewhere quickly and when it rains it is not a luxury at all. The shared car has also become an integral part of our society, because a shared car is a good solution for people who do not have a car of their own and who still want to use one from time to time. Nowadays, a car is an indispensable part of their lives for most people, but what if you want to get into your car in the morning and your car is no longer there. 

At first you probably think something like I might have parked my car somewhere else after all. Well not so, vehicles are prime targets for thieves. Theft of cars is one of the major problems, but also tampering with vehicles and forgery of documents are part of it. Fortunately, the number of vehicle thefts has decreased in the first six months of this year compared to the same period last year. In the first six months of this year, according to National Vehicle Crime Information Center approximately 2578 passenger vehicles stolen by thieves. This is 21,2 percent less than the same period last year. About 39 percent of this has been recovered. 

The most sought after brands for thieves in the first six months of this year were 1 Volkswagen, 2 Toyota, 3 Renault, 4 Peugeot and number 5 Audi. If your car is found, the question is, is there anything left of your car? It is and remains difficult to protect your car against theft, thieves are increasingly clever and often equipped with all kinds of equipment to, for example, amplify the signal of the car key that hangs on the coat rack in the hallway at night. However, there are all kinds of tips online to make the theft of your car as small as possible. You can also insure your car against theft.

Also read: Charging point advice for Owners' Association

Car stolen while shopping.