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The Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works had asked De Lijn to develop an action plan for the most precarious journeys as quickly as possible. "The plan includes 32 extra rides and it can be moved with other rides so that there is a better distribution", said Minister Peters. “As a result, we provide a solution for students who spend more than 3 hours on the bus and for students who currently have no transport.” The minister and De Lijn are doing everything they can to get the buses running as soon as possible. “De Lijn is now in full consultation with the schools and the contracting of coach companies.”

Made last Friday Minister Peeters It is already known that it provides 1,8 million euros for the most precarious journeys. Today there is an action plan: students who sit on the bus for more than 3 hours per trip and students who do not have transport. There will be 32 extra rides for this and other rides can be moved so that there is a better distribution. Some children will be on the bus a little longer, most will be less long and the extremes should be out of the way. In concrete terms, this concerns 5 extra journeys in Limburg, 4 extra journeys in Antwerp, 14 extra journeys in East Flanders, 6 extra journeys in West Flanders and 3 extra journeys in Flemish Brabant.

De Lijn is now continuing to refine and, on the basis of effective journey data received from the operators, is checking where there are still precarious situations that have not yet been reported.

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a solution for students who sit on the bus for more than 3 hours per ride

sustainable solution

In order to provide a sustainable, long-term solution in the long term, Minister Peeters convenes a working group with the concerned departments (Welfare, Domestic Governance, Digital Flanders, Education and MOW) and the cabinets of the Ministers of Domestic Governance, Mobility, Education and Welfare.

A number of pilot projects have been running in Roeselare, Leuven and Antwerp since 2016, which were extended in June 2019. Minister Peeters wants to distill the improvement proposals from this and roll it out across Flanders. Local authorities can also play an important role in arriving at a structural solution. After all, the pilot projects show that there are several options that have a positive impact on shortening the journey time and the well-being of the children. 

“Together, we can look at how the various departments can contribute to efficient student transport. The problem is an old problem and has never been solved. Now, together with all stakeholders, we must ensure that this project succeeds!”

Local authorities can also play an important role in arriving at a structural solution. After all, the pilot projects show that there are several options that have a positive impact on shortening the journey time and the well-being of the children.

Also read: Pupil transport cannot simply be combined

32 extra rides and can be moved with other rides so that there is a better distribution