A well-functioning financial system is an important part of a well-functioning economy. It ensures that money is used efficiently. The brothers Geert and Jan Golsteijn, with their Maasbracht-based company Atvangarde, continue to calm people down. Not only is it up for discussion what prior knowledge was available at the various lease companies, the lenders also did not emerge unscathed from the pyramid scheme as far as public opinion is concerned. It goes without saying that it was very convenient for lease companies to supply many cars to Car Driver Deals during the corona crisis. Enterprise even let it be known that the payment arrears were increasing, but they were still waiting to intervene because the Limburg company was a large important customer. 


And that raises questions when, on the other hand, you let the victims know that the mobility formula was unknown to the leasing companies and the 'ghost cars' were reclaimed on the basis of their lease conditions. Leasing companies knew nothing about it and, in their own words, did not participate in the practices of the Golsteijn family. However, you can ask questions about, for example, the claim settlement where the name of the driver on the claim form was never a CDD employee. That too had to be known to the leasing companies that deal with their vehicle fleet as the main additional source of income. The question is, of course, whether the damage forms for minor collisions and little damage actually ended up with these lease companies?

duty of care

Lenders are also asked about their duty of care. The lender has the obligation to inform the borrower about the consequences of entering into the credit agreement and about the resulting risks for the borrower. In this case, it concerns a credit of a simple nature and it concerns a personal loan, in which a defined amount has to be paid off in fixed monthly instalments. However, the amount was not used to purchase a car, but to pre-finance the costs of purchasing a mobility solution. 

After all, the car was never owned, because the amounts paid to Car Driver Deals that were financed were not subject to any right of ownership. However, it turns out that it is not so easy to use the aforementioned arguments with regard to the duty of care. The banker who deposited the money into the victim's account may have asked the question what the money was intended for, but had no further influence on how the money was used after it was in the victim's account.

Aikon BV

Financial services were also one of the activities that was handled by Aikon BV registered with the AFM (12013122). Under various names such as CarDriverDeals Financial Services, VindiQ Finance, ZekerOverstappen, Aikon BV, Golsteijn & Partners, SaveZeker and Zekeradvies, this company has a license for the company located at Hoofdstraat 49, 6051AK, Maasbracht. With this permit, JH Golsteijn was able to advise and mediate customers for taking out a personal loan or consumer credit. 

One of the contact persons turned out to be Henk van de Vondervoort, a name we found earlier in our file. The same people who have caused the necessary misery with Car Drivers Deals today, if desired, gave the victim any advice before concluding a contract for the search for financial resources to find the necessary advances.

Large banks were also not unaffected. ABN Amro, through its consumer credit subsidiary Alfam Defam, became involved in a multimillion-dollar scandal involving thousands of recovered lease cars. Various affected consumers are now without a car, but then still have to pay off their credit with an interest of 6,9% at Alfam. Usually this concerns loans of around €10.000 per customer.

Perrée & Partners BV

A name that we often see in our editorial team is the Eindhoven company Perrée & Partners BV, which offers its financial services under many dozens of names, and is registered with the AFM (12003883). They may also advise and mediate in the provision of consumer credit. Despite CarDriverDeals Financial Services having the same license, many financings were outsourced to MijnFinancier, one of the trade names that Perrée & Partners BV acquired last year from Hessel Swartjes, who started Mijn Financier in 2016. The office of Mijn Financier in Den Bosch in the Hinthamerstraat is now closed. 

According to insiders from the automotive sector, the management of Perrée & Partners BV was very quick to respond to the question whether they have complied with the duty of care. In their own words, there was indeed a duty of care because, according to them, more than 70% of the applications were rejected. Yet these numbers seem very large to connoisseurs. “In all the years that I have worked in the car industry, the percentage of rejections on financing, even in times of crisis, has not been above 10%."

Also read: Victims Car Driver Deals powerless

lease cars
Photo: Pitane Blue - lease cars