A new car comes with a hefty price tag, as the victims of Car Driver Deals have now experienced. The financial services of Car Driver Deals were running at full speed to allow private individuals to drive around quickly and well in a new car in no time. They advised customers to take out a private loan with family, friends or acquaintances. A loan through an employer was also recommended as a possibility, but it was also possible to apply for both a personal loan and a financial lease at Car Driver Deals Financial Services. Car Driver Deals Financial Services was clear in writing and meeting commitments. The terms stated in the general terms and conditions were purely indicative for them and customers could not derive any rights from them. Thousands of euros were raised in this way as an advance for cars that were delivered much later or were not even delivered.
pyramid scheme
The system looks like a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme is a system in which participants make an investment and also try to persuade others to participate, after which the investment of the newcomers is used to meet the obligations of existing customers, to lease and transfer cars. The deposit usually varies from a few thousand to tens of thousands of euros. The deposit of those who are recruited goes to those above them in the pyramid.
A pyramid scheme can also be seen as a kind of bankruptcy fraud or bottle-dragging: a company is deliberately allowed to incur debts that it ultimately cannot pay. However, when one arrives at this, it is already too late and the bird has flown. And that is exactly what happened with the Golsteijn brothers who are unreachable for customers and media. Both owners have disappeared without a trace, while consumers across the country saw their cars towed away in front of the house, or were even stopped by the police on the way because the lease car they were driving was reported stolen by the supplier.
In the meantime, it seems that victims are not only caught financially. Also via social media, especially on the facebook page for victims, watch out for what people write as victims. Everything is done to put the lease companies in a bad light instead of Car Driver Deals or its management. Preventing the company from being sued by negative messages from victims, who call for a joining of forces in an approach, is about the most important task of the page manager.
It seems that many victims still believe that the management will come up with a solution as they have previously hinted in their updates. And that while cars are confiscated en masse and bailiffs come to visit. Enterprise sent an email to the victims last Friday to return the cars and today Avis was also one of the leasing companies that called for voluntary surrender or otherwise proceeds to collect the cars. Many companies were involved in the Limburg lease scandal, such as Huiskes-Kokkeler Autogroep, Enterprise, Avis, Louwman, Autohopper, Sixt, Autoop, Multilease, etc., but also companies in Belgium such as Autolux.
Also read: Victims Car Driver Deals powerless