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Trade unions FNV Taxi and CNV Vakmensen, together with the employers' organization KNV Taxi en Zorgtransport, have produced the booklet 'Taxi industry and employment law: know how it works'. In this online publication various themes are discussed with regard to the relationship between employer and employee. The CLA parties intend to use this booklet to make the agreements in the CLA Taxi Transport and the law easier to understand. Rules and laws are discussed that have to do with employment conditions, absenteeism, incapacity for work, working conditions, remuneration, privacy and employee participation.


The reader is guided to the theme via a well-arranged index. Via the menu button at the top left you can easily switch between the themes. The booklet is clearly written and contains practical examples. There are many hyperlinks included that refer to other sections in the booklet itself, or to websites where the source information can be consulted. Parties to the collective labor agreement strive to keep the booklet up to date in this way.

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