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Shocking images on social media of Vindicat members partying in the party bus of Kooistra Reizen. The bus was not allowed to hit the road like this. Vindicat students who were caught on the party bus are no longer welcome at the society on the Grote Markt in Groningen.

safety region denial

Despite the denial of the safety region, Nico Kooistra, owner of the Partybus in which members of Vindicat celebrated Wednesday night, claims to have permission from the Friesland Safety Region. On Thursday, images of students in one leaked Partybus who were dancing and singing close together, without masks on.

"It is still a bit tricky with the new corona law under whose responsibility this falls exactly, we are now investigating that. But it is in any case certain that we do not have permission for such bus rides."

The company advertises party rides in which the corona rules are observed. For example, passengers must wear a mouth mask and sign a health certificate. It should be corona proof, but they are jumping on each other without masks and taking laughing gas balloons.

stupid action

Mayor Schuiling of Groningen says that the images from the party bus worry him, but for the VVD Schuiling must enforce sanctions.

"He really has to show that he is done with it. And if he doesn't enforce the bailout, he should impose other sanctions for this behavior. For example by halting municipal financing. ”

The mayor doesn't want to go that far yet. Still, the party bus is a loophole. Boostbussen has been organizing 'corona-proof party rides' since the beginning of the corona era. Vindicat atque Polit has been a student association for over 200 years. With more than two thousand active members Vindicat one of the largest and oldest student associations in Groningen.

Also read: Cabinet discourages travel, Flixbus services halved
