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Traditionally the last busy weekend of the summer, no surprise was expected on the coast. The lesser weather forecasts will undoubtedly have played a role in this. The incidents of the previous weekends may also be the reason why Scheveningen was not very busy this weekend. The police and traffic enforcers were prepared, but the barriers to the port were already removed on Friday morning.

Yet it was again for the police to look out on the beach. In the early morning, on an almost empty beach, some Eastern European beach sleepers could be found who were sent away, despite this time the tents were not pitched. Beach tents were preparing for the breakfast buffet, but it didn't lead to a rush this weekend. Last weekend, seaside resorts such as Zandvoort, Bloemendaal, Katwijk and Scheveningen had to deal with great crowds. The temperature rose to a great height and thousands of people went to the beach to cool off.

Belgian coast same picture

Also on the Belgian coast, where reservations in advance are mandatory, the visitor numbers were bad. The great heat has passed and that was also visible on the coast. For Sunday, 5.600 reservations had been made. The three beaches where you have to reserve a spot can receive a total of 15.000 people. The previous weekends these beaches were often full. Four people were arrested in Blankenberge on Saturday evening. These are members of the hard core of Club Brugge supporters. 

Also read: Enforcement Scheveningen strict for beach or car sleepers

Breakfast at Beachclub Peukie