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In Belgium they have now lost their way. The Foreign Office has colored the Netherlands as an orange zone as a destination where restrictions apply to those who want to go there. It is no coincidence that this happened after the Netherlands colored the province of Antwerp as an orange zone yesterday. Even refueling in the province of Antwerp is now better avoided to avoid quarantine when you return home. So watch out in Baarle-Nassau for those who want to cross the street.

It is a fact that most Belgians only half understand what the rules are now, but to make it a laughable situation in other European countries now goes a long way. In any case, the curfew is news and the media reports that the people have picked up the story well. This new regulation came into effect with a day delay because the legislation was not ready in time last Tuesday. You can expect a fine of up to EUR 1600 if you are found in the province of Antwerp after 23.30:XNUMX PM. Last night the Netherlands decided to take the province Antwerp orange. In concrete terms, this means that the Netherlands discourages non-essential travel for its inhabitants to our province. Anyone who has been in Antwerp is urgently advised to quarantine for 14 days when they return home.

An exception applies to certain groups of travelers, such as healthcare professionals, border workers and transport employees when they travel for work. They should not be put in home quarantine unless they have complaints.

Also read: Taxi sector in Belgium expects bankruptcies and layoffs

Read also  Windrose: Antwerp attracts Chinese millions to the Scheldt