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It is still common for motorists to do all kinds of things while driving that are life-threatening. Research shows that the use of the mobile phone while driving is still common, just as much as 2 years ago. Despite all the campaigns conducted for this, it has unfortunately not diminished.

65,6 percent of motorists, 55,7 percent of cyclists and 84,4 percent of pedestrians use the mobile phone in traffic, the media said. What exactly is the reason that this type of behavior does not decrease? As humans we are habit animals and find it very difficult to unlearn these kinds of habits in traffic. We do not realize the consequences of telephone use in traffic. Social pressure (especially among young people) also contributes to this problem. And the adoption of parental behavior by children plays a role. Fortunately, there is a drop in bubbles among adult cyclists while cycling.

Patty Jansen, researcher at Interpolis: “That is positive and could possibly be a result of the attention to the subject in combination with the introduction of fines. Incidentally, all other actions on the bicycle, such as texting, have not yet decreased. Above all, the research shows that a real change in behavior is needed to break through the persistent telephone use on bicycles. ”

Searching for music, setting the navigation, reading messages and playing games is still common while driving a car. This is evident from an investigation by a research agency SWOV commissioned by Interpolis (part of the cooperative insurer Achmea). This naturally creates life-threatening situations on the road. Young drivers between the ages of 25 and 34, in particular, form a large part of this group, as much as 75 percent. The fine for drivers who use their phones in traffic is currently € 240. The fine for cyclists who use their phone while cycling is currently € 95.

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calling cyclist