The police have seized XNUMX taxi vehicles in the vicinity of the Western Docklands. The taxis were parked on the public road, but with a suspended license plate and without insurance for civil liability. To accommodate companies with a large stationary fleet, the RDW previously had the collectors' scheme in place suspend Bickery has an.
The taxi team of the Infrastructure Service found these violations. It concerned vehicles of several taxi companies that are established as private companies at PO Box addresses. Several of these taxi vehicles are from other parts of the country. An official report has been made against the owners. The taxis were transferred to a closed area in consultation with the Public Prosecution Service.
Normally, only older vehicles can be advantageously suspended with this scheme. Due to the corona crisis, the collector scheme may now be used for all vehicles, regardless of age. This applies for 3 months.
police continues to occur
By suspending a vehicle, an owner does not have to meet the vehicle obligations (insurance, motor vehicle tax and possibly MOT) for a certain period. In order to save expensive taxi insurance and road tax, some drivers or companies have decided to temporarily suspend their car.
This is allowed, but the car may not be on a public road, not even in a parking lot. The police have drawn up a police report against the taxi owners. They are given fourteen days to insure and collect the cars again.
The police will continue to act in situations where this is not the case. The police will of course also take action against driving with a suspended license plate, whether or not without valid insurance.
Also read: Suspension from the sixth vehicle now free at RDW