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Translink receives travel data from all public transport companies in the Netherlands to process transactions In 2018, there were more than 2,72 billion transactions. Translink is therefore the place where all travel information comes together and from which information is made available.

How to handle public transport data in the Netherlands?

The travel dates have been entrusted to Translink for processing the transactions. That trust is a great thing. Translink ensures that laws and regulations are met and wants to be able to explain to the traveler at all times what his privacy-sensitive travel data is used for. Just as the traveler can assume that the correct amount will be deducted from the travel balance. That is what Translink stands for in the interest of the traveler.

The demand for traveler data is high and the call for information to be made available quickly is getting louder. On the other hand, traveler data is not simply available and there must be a relationship with the services provided to the traveler. Applications must also be tested against laws and regulations.

Initially, the application process between all parties involved was slow, but all parties have learned from this and significant steps have now been taken. Translink assists applicants for information through the application process.

"Translink does not judge information requests. There is a committee for this purpose in which the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, transporters and local authorities are represented, among others".

Translink works on more efficient processes, higher productivity and customized information. For example, to standardization, which makes processing requests faster and Translink has a 'library' with a standard for repetitive requests.

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Joining forces with Statistics Netherlands

Translink is looking for cooperation with other parties to unlock traveler information and has joined forces with Statistics Netherlands to come up with new statistics about public transport. They are also jointly developing a national public transport monitor in which information is made available and combined with other statistics.

It is in the interest of the traveler that the transport and mobility policy is based on complete and correct data. As a payment hub in public transport, Translink has a wealth of travel and transaction data. They can enrich this into information, such as providing insight into travel patterns and the use of transport lines. They like to share the information they can and may share. Translink is working on an open provision of information about public transport together with transporters and authorities.

The public transport chip card provides a wealth of travel data

A CBS pilot is currently working with Translink to develop a national public transport monitor, in which public transport chip card information is combined with data from Statistics Netherlands. Transporters, governments and users are closely involved in the composition of the OV monitor and the results are published as open data. 

Statistics Netherlands can link the public transport data to other data sources available at Statistics Netherlands, such as data about where people live, work and follow education or, for example, data about car ownership or driving licenses. 

This can provide even more valuable insights for governments and transporters into the use of public transport, travel patterns and travel motives of certain groups in Dutch society (such as commuters, students and the elderly).

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Data protection and privacy

Protecting data and protecting the privacy of individuals and companies is one of the core values ​​of Statistics Netherlands. Safeguards for privacy and data protection are included in the CBS Act. Statistics Netherlands has set up extensive protocols and procedures to guarantee privacy and data protection. 

Statistics Netherlands also regularly conducts external audits on all aspects of information security and Statistics Netherlands continuously tests whether privacy is safeguarded in the light of new technological developments.

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OV chip card