Outgoing cabinet allocates 420 million euros to public transport fare increase…

Outgoing cabinet allocates 420 million euros to public transport fare increase…

Public transport plays a crucial role in keeping the entire country accessible, which is why the government has decided to provide financial support. Good news for travelers…

Cheaper public transport is no reason to leave your car at home

Cheaper public transport is no reason to leave your car at home

There are all kinds of situations in which public transport is not an alternative to the car. Reducing public transport fares is not an effective measure to encourage people to use public transport more often...

Rate increase travel information number 0900-9292

Rate increase travel information number 0900-9292

The demand for telephone services is decreasing and costs are rising. 9292 started 30 years ago by providing travel information on telephone number 06-9292. This was done from nine…

Train ticket will be 6,3 percent more expensive

Train ticket will be 6,3 percent more expensive

Travelers get less value for their money, train tickets should become cheaper. Consumer organization Rover is critical of the rate increase as a whole. “Travellers get less value for their money, train tickets…

ACM's increased focus on sector charging stations

ACM's increased focus on sector charging stations

Despite the fact that the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) is an independent regulator, it has informed the Minister that it is paying closer attention to the charging station sector. She writes this to…

Prague increases maximum taxi prices for boarding market

Prague increases maximum taxi prices for boarding market

Prague councilors this week approved an increase in maximum prices per kilometer taxi ride from 28 to 36 crowns. Other rates will be increased and a price list will be…