An in-depth look at segmentation and risk profiling at insurers

An in-depth look at segmentation and risk profiling at insurers

Insurers have traditionally worked according to the principle of solidarity and risk spreading. The Netherlands is known for its extensive cycling culture. In fact, a quarter of all journeys in the country are made by...

Courtesy expired driving license also with Dutch Association of Insurers

Courtesy expired driving license also with Dutch Association of Insurers

Due to the government's restrictive measures in relation to COVID-19, the options for renewing a driving license are considerably limited. Particularly as a result of the almost complete…

Leasing company and insurer thinks in solutions

Leasing company and insurer thinks in solutions

When entrepreneurs have a transport contract with a health insurer and encounter liquidity problems, it may be a good time to contact the insurer in question directly. Insurers are…