Circulation plan Brussels gets stamp organized chaos

Circulation plan Brussels gets stamp organized chaos

The immediate consequence is miles of traffic jams on the Kleine Ring and chaos in the neighborhoods involved. According to, the new circulation plan in Brussels is extremely dangerous. Only with Google Maps or…

Veterans not to commemoration due to Schiphol chaos

Veterans not to commemoration due to Schiphol chaos

As a military organization, the KMAR understands better than any other that veterans deserve recognition and respect. Mark Harbers deeply regrets that the twelve WWII veterans and their guidance did not…

Schiphol boss Dick Benschop let it end in chaos

Schiphol boss Dick Benschop let it end in chaos

Outsourcing work may have gone too far in the Netherlands. No one can ignore the fact that something is really wrong at Schiphol. Schiphol boss Dick Benschop had already been warned…

Traffic jam at European borders due to corona measures

Traffic jam at European borders due to corona measures

Due to new corona measures for professional freight transport, kilometers of traffic jams and hundreds of drivers stood still at various European borders on Monday. TLN wants the EU to intervene and ensure the smooth passage of international…