Extreme traffic chaos around Eindhoven Airport

Extreme traffic chaos around Eindhoven Airport

The normal travel time between car park and highway is usually a maximum of 10 minutes, but that is different now. Long waiting times do not only apply in airports. Also around Eindhoven…

Circulation plan Brussels gets stamp organized chaos

Circulation plan Brussels gets stamp organized chaos

The immediate consequence is miles of traffic jams on the Kleine Ring and chaos in the neighborhoods involved. According to Auto55.be, the new circulation plan in Brussels is extremely dangerous. Only with Google Maps or…

Kennedy tunnel

Renewal lighting and wall plates Kennedytunnel

Significant investments are needed in the Flemish tunnels. Anyone who often has the Antwerp R1 on their navigation knows the situation by now. Huge traffic jams, delays and construction work. Getting there…

Margaret tunnel in Mechelen reopened

Margaret tunnel in Mechelen reopened

The tunnel was closed to traffic in the direction of Mechelen-Zuid on Sunday evening. The Margareta tunnel on the tangent in Mechelen is open again. The tunnel was closed on Sunday evening because…

Traffic nuisance due to new tunnel in Eindhoven

Traffic nuisance due to new tunnel in Eindhoven

The underpass connects the recently constructed Dirk Noordhoflaan with the roundabout on Mispelhoefstraat. Due to the work on the tunnel, there will be…

Flemish Government chooses future-proof Ring around Brussels

Flemish Government chooses future-proof Ring around Brussels

The Flemish government is considering the future of the Ring around Brussels. The planned redesign of the Ring around Brussels is a victory for the thousands of commuters who…