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The enormous price movements of the American car manufacturer Tesla are also causing a rapid increase in popularity of the share among Dutch private investors. After Tesla recently relieved Volkswagen as the most popular car share among investors, the fund has already gone further in the lists of most popular funds.

According to Ronald Veerman, financial expert at BinckBank, it is a movement around an individual investment title that was last seen around bitcoin, which peaked in early 2018. In recent months, Dutch private investors have flocked to take a ride with the company, now that the share is showing spectacular price movements with daily sharp ups and downs.

Tesla is now by far the most popular American share among BinckBank customers in terms of transactions, and since the beginning of this year, more has only been traded in the Dutch funds Shell, ASML, ING, Galapagos and Pharming. For example, trade in the Dutch charging station manufacturer Alfen has also risen sharply in recent months. 

The fund thus also appears to take advantage of another visible trend in which stocks that are both tech and sustainable are increasingly coming to the attention of investors. You can read more in one article that BinckBank already copied earlier this month. While critics continue to point to the fact that the carmaker has mainly shown red quarterly figures in recent years, the company exceeded a value of 150 billion dollars last week.

Tesla is even more popular among younger investors. For example, a study by BinckBank previously showed that young people under thirty years old own Tesla shares on average five times more often than investors over fifty years old.

Also read: Ben van der Burg about the pitiful piece in NRC about Tesla