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TomTom made a significant price jump of 2,8% last week. The navigation company has made a deal to integrate its navigation with the Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform. As a result, information can be sent from vehicles to Microsoft's Azure.

At the beginning of this year, the company announced it would step into the self-driving car. Not to sell people TomTom cars, but to develop the technology that is needed for autonomous driving. The Volvo XC 90 that TomTom uses is equipped with eight lidar sensors that map the environment three-dimensionally, cameras and six radars. 

New roads bring TomTom to the Cloud.

We know TomTom as the maker of navigation boxes. But in the age when Google offers free navigation software on smartphones, the publicly traded company is looking for other ways to remain a major player.

The company previously acquired the German start-up Autonomos. This company set up by students in Berlin has developed software and sensors to enable cars to drive independently.

Via the cloud service, the data can be used by automakers to improve products and services and in the field of autonomous driving by integrating with the Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform. The test car, which was designed and built in two years, was unveiled in the run-up to the IAA car fair in Frankfurt, Germany. 

Also read: Here for location services at Swedish taxi platform

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