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In response to the question from members of the VVD group whether there are opportunities to increase the pace with regard to the MaaS, despite the difficulties with regard to the current situation in the Netherlands, State Secretary Stientje van Veldhoven indicates opportunities around MaaS. Initially initiated by the government, the MaaS apps from the 7 national MaaS pilots are scheduled to start in April this year. 

A number have now been launched via the app stores, but no active marketing is being done due to the cabinet's call to travel as little as possible during the intelligent lockdown period related to corona. After all, these apps offer planning, booking and payment for all modalities (shared car, bicycle, scooter, (water) taxi, bus, tram, metro, train, etc.). 

“I would therefore like to see to what extent the MaaS apps can contribute to 1,5m society, for example by making reservations possible in public transport and, for example, by stimulating the (electric shared) bicycle for short journeys. In addition, anonymized data on how people travel can be used to better monitor and possibly adjust travel movements, ”says State Secretary van Veldhoven.

parking at shared car concepts

The members of the VVD group ask whether there are possibilities to facilitate a pilot in collaboration with the large municipalities and providers of shared cars to gain experience with parking permits for free floating shared cars for various municipalities. Subsystems are a lever for MaaS and vice versa. Car sharing is therefore an important cornerstone of MaaS. There are various shared car concepts, including shared cars without a fixed parking space. 

It is indeed currently not possible to park with a shared car without a fixed parking space in each of the four major cities. A permit that makes it possible to park in several cities with a shared car could promote the development of shared car use and MaaS. The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment is investigating the possibilities for a national or regional parking permit pilot together with municipalities, the Service House Parking and Residence Rights (SHPV) that supports municipalities, the RDW and other stakeholders. 

Read also  Government employees: green light for more sustainable travel and cycling is rewarded

Also read: Is MaaS going back to the drawing board after the corona crisis?

Bon Bakermans - I&W