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For Amstelveners who depend on WMO transport, it is great that this has been successful.

After the announcement by the Rotterdam transport company MRC to stop all transport on 1 November, Amstelveners can rest assured. From that date, WMO transport will be taken over by a new provider. The acquiring party is not that surprising for WMO travelers because the transport company RMC carried out all the work at certain hours of the day to relieve MRC.

“We have done everything we can to arrange a new carrier in time,” says alderman Marijn van Ballegooijen. “For Amstelveners who depend on WMO transport, it is great that this has been successful.” The municipality was looking for a new provider after the unpleasant surprise that the executing party to whom the plot was awarded pulled the plug.

RMC will start driving as of November 1 and to make the transition to RMC go as smoothly as possible, residents will be expanded by letter informed. “We do everything we can to ensure that users experience as little inconvenience as possible and have a reliable carrier as quickly as possible,” says Van Ballegooijen.

“We have done everything we can to arrange a new carrier in time,” says alderman Marijn van Ballegooijen.
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