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The Mobility Hackathon will take place in Stadslab Eindhoven on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October. During this Hackathon, everyone is challenged to come up with smart solutions for various mobility issues in Eindhoven. The city is growing and is facing a huge leap in scale. This also entails major challenges in the field of mobility. For example, how can we encourage sustainable transportation? How do we make the air in Eindhoven cleaner and at the same time ensure that the city remains accessible? And how can we further stimulate shared transport?

Sign up for the Hackathon

The Hackathon starts Saturday, October 8 at 10.00 a.m. As a kick-off, two mobility issues are explained, which the participants can work on. The Municipality of Eindhoven makes various mobility data available as additional information. The various participants then set to work to build a working prototype within 36 hours as a possible solution. You can participate in the Mobility Hackathon individually or as a team. Participation is free and registration is possible via There is room for 35 participants. The working language of the Hackathon is English.

Attend award ceremony

On Sunday, participants pitch their solution/prototype to a jury consisting of various mobility experts. They determine which solution is most suitable for further development and thus win the Mobility Hackathon. The winner will go home with a cash prize of 750 euros. Everyone is welcome to attend the pitches and the award ceremony. This will take place on Sunday 9 October at 16.00 pm in Stadslab Eindhoven.

Eindhoven City Lab

Eindhoven City Lab is the R&D department of the city. It is a collaboration between the municipality of Eindhoven and the MAD foundation. It offers a Maker Space that is accessible to everyone and provides support for social, economic and spatial issues. Knowledge gained is shared with professionals, organizations and citizens. This is working towards an inclusive and resilient environment, according to the Municipality of Eindhoven.

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Photo above: Zigres/