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Hundreds of millions of euros will be made available from the government for bicycle facilities at new housing locations. This concerns tunnels, bridges, bicycle routes and bicycle sheds. For example, large amounts go to Utrecht, Zwolle, Groningen, Dordrecht, Eindhoven and Delft. The Fietsersbond is pleased with the use of these government funds. With this commitment by the government, a long-cherished wish of the Fietsersbond is being fulfilled and the implementation of the National Bicycle Futures Picture is a big step closer.

“We could hardly believe it at first and are still a bit quiet about it. To our great joy, a large part goes to the bicycle. And streets are being downgraded or parking is removed from ground level. We are still calculating, but as far as we know now, the counter is at least between 340 and 500 million for the bike.”

Other projects

Recently, the central government has consulted with municipalities and provinces about opening up locations for which housing plans are ready. A total of 70 proposals were submitted, for which a total of 1,5 billion euros is available. 32 of these proposals have now been approved. For the others, co-financing by provinces and/or municipalities must be arranged before 1 October, then hopefully they can also get the green light in the autumn.

The branches of the Fietsersbond will contact the municipalities concerned about the precise details and planning of these plans and, where necessary, will insist on co-financing as soon as possible. The Fietsersbond also urges the government to contribute to the bicycle plans in areas where no new large housing sites will be built.

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