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A charging station that comes to you throughout Antwerp.

The Antwerp start-up Come has developed a mobile charging station that can charge electric cars everywhere they go. It is somewhat reminiscent of Deliveroo or Uber Eats, but for batteries. With the UZE solution for electric cars, you never have to plug in yourself again.

You park the car in a place that is accessible to a UZE operator and order a charging session via the app. The courier will charge your car with a mobile battery. As an extra service, the operator can wash/vacuum the car and even adjust the tire pressure. Anyone who drives an electric car. When there is no access to a fixed charging station, they can supply the car with electricity throughout Antwerp. The charging points support fast charging. This way you can top up up to hundreds of kilometers in a short time.

roadside assistance

The idea is not so new, but it is an asset to the city of Antwerp. The Dutch Roadside Assistance also has a trailer that is equipped with a specially developed mobile battery charger. This is how the roadside assistance quickly recharge electric cars with an empty battery along the road. The charger supplies enough power within fifteen minutes for a range of about 10 kilometers. That is handy, especially since you are not allowed to tow an electric car, in most cases you can now drive to the next charging station. With the Wegenwacht EV charger, you'll never again be stuck on the highway with your hands in the hair.

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