Standardization in a data-driven ecosystem mobility

With Mobility as a Service (MaaS), we want to be able to offer travelers an optimal and multimodal journey. To do this, service providers have to communicate with different carriers and data flows are needed for planning, booking and paying for a trip. In order for all these parties to talk to each other efficiently and in real time, 1 language is needed. So standardization. You can already mark Tuesday 22 March in your agenda. The MaaS Knowledge Café answers the question: why the need for standardization in a data-driven mobility ecosystem?


A list of fascinating speakers. at Mobinck (Jeff Heyse) they want to make mobility easier, whereby people own less and use more. A world without traffic jams, without parking problems and less pressure on our environment, that is the motivation. By connecting people and solutions, and developing a mobility ecosystem together with clients to which the latest developments can be seamlessly connected.

Mark Verbet, who works for the municipality of Utrecht, is always curious about technological innovation, smart city and data-driven solutions. As a strategic advisor, he has extensive experience in driving, developing and realizing smart and sustainable mobility concepts, shared mobility, MaaS and charging infrastructure.

Nico van Paridon is deputy director of the Amsterdam Transport Region (VRA). With their expertise, the City of Amsterdam and partners in the region help to realize and improve regional traffic and transport connections. We would like to share and strengthen this expertise. 

Tania Rademaker is Sales & Business manager at 9292 REISinformatiegroep. Good news, because last month OV9292 brought the collaboration with Donkey Republic to production, which means that since March 1, 2022, people can request Donkey Republic bicycles via the 9292 Locations API, which can be linked to the 9292 Travel Advice API. 

Tie de Groot, project manager Open Parking Data, draws a parallel with standardization in the parking industry and takes us through his experiences.

Also read: MaaS is far from being mobility for everyone

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