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Face masks are currently indispensable in our society. Wherever you look around you, almost everyone wears a face mask to protect themselves and others around them from the corona virus. They come in all kinds of designs, shapes and sizes. We also see more and more dumped masks floating around like waste. The mouth masks in your car are also indispensable, in case you have to go into a store, for example. More and more motorists hang their mouth caps on the rear view mirror, many people think that such a basket cap is handy. 

Motor platform MotorNL makes an urgent appeal to these motorists. According to them, it is very dangerous to hang a face mask on your rear view mirror in your car. This mouth mask on the rear-view mirror can prevent you from seeing motorcyclists, cyclists, mopeds and pedestrians. This can therefore lead to life-threatening situations in traffic. Hanging a face mask on your rear-view mirror is not prohibited in our country, but you can still be fined around 150 euros for this. This can fall under the category of objects with windows that obstruct the driver's view.

Ad van de Wiel, motor test coordinator at MotorNL and annually accounts for tens of thousands of kilometers on the most diverse motorcycles: “Fluorescent suit, reflection on my motorcycle, changing position on the road when I approach an intersection; I do everything I can to be visible in traffic. And now I disappear behind a mouth mask? ”

Also read: Highest number of motorcycles sold in 2020