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The corona pandemic continues to have enormous consequences for everyone. Tourism is particularly affected by this. For the time being we can still forget holidays, including the skiing holiday. Austria has been in a lockdown in recent weeks, this lockdown has been lifted from today. Shops and schools, among other things, are open again. 

ONGOING reports that Austria has announced that the ski slopes will reopen to locals on December 24. The catering, hotels and other accommodations will remain closed for the time being. Tourists can forget about skiing. The catering industry may open again from 7 January. For the time being, skiing is therefore only reserved for residents of Austria.

France, Italy and Germany are also keeping their ski areas closed for the time being. Switzerland does allow tourists to ski, so Switzerland is the only one of all Alpine countries. Travelers who come from corona-risk areas and travel to Austria are given a quarantine obligation of no less than 10 days. 

This obligation applies from December 7 to January 10. Several medium report that a corona test can be done after five days of quarantine to shorten the previously imposed quarantine. This will keep the majority of tourists from going on holiday to Austria. The tourists who secretly hoped for a 'well-deserved' skiing holiday in Austria were disappointed, they will have to move to Switzerland.

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