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The annual report shows that the top executives in the transport sector in which the State participates earn the most in relation to their employees. KLM CEO Pieter Elbers, including a bonus of € 342.000 that will not be paid for the time being, would go home with € 927.000, XNUMX times as many as his employees.

According to the Financieel Dagblad, Roger van Boxtel of the NS comes to € 470.000, nine times as much as most other NS employees. Schiphol boss Dick Benschop came in at € 503.000, seven times as much, of which € 62.000 in the form of a bonus that has not yet been paid out.

The reward ratio is lowest in the Dutch lottery, where CEO Niels Onkenhout raised € 209.000. That was 3,2 times as much as the salary average at the operator of the State Lottery and the lottery.

bonus culture

The bonus culture refers to the culture that stimulates the awarding and distribution of bonuses within organizations. Usually, a bonus culture refers in particular to the payment of large amounts to the directors with a high position within the company. Top executives receive a fixed salary per year, plus a bonus. The amount of both remunerations can be determined or agreed with the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM).

Beams standard

According to this standard, public administrators in the Netherlands are no longer allowed to earn than 130 percent of the minister's salary. Hospital administrators, housing association chiefs and directors of the public broadcaster: executives in the public and semi-public sector may receive no more than one minister annually. 

The term 'Balkenendenorm' is also popularly used, named after former Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. The Balkenende standard was introduced in 2006 in response to the social dissatisfaction with high salaries in public organizations, such as housing corporations and public broadcasting. The law aims to prevent excessive remuneration and excessive severance pay from the highest executives and supervisors. 

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Also read: I am also very concerned about the money, says Roger van Boxtel

Roger van Boxtel