Pier Eringa willing to support CBR management

Driving license extension

Mr. Pier Eringa, until recently president of Prorail, has been prepared to assist the CBR management with his experience and expertise as an addition to the Supervisory Board. This decision came in consultation with the chairman of the CBR's supervisory board.

Minister C. van Nieuwenhuizen Wijbenga wrote to the President of the House of Representatives today that the CBR has serious problems with the process of assessing fitness to drive. The lead times are too high and many people are affected. This situation leads to distressing situations because people who have applied for an extension of their driving license are left without a license through no fault of their own. With all its consequences for, for example, work, informal care or social contacts.

At the beginning of this year, supervision of the CBR was tightened up. The CBR reports monthly on developments within the Driving Fitness and Customer Service division. These reports raised doubts whether the previous prognosis was still feasible.

That is why it was commissioned before the summer to draw up a new forecast with regard to the assessment of medical fitness to drive, including an external test. The Galan group is from opinion that it has prepared a sound and justifiably prudent forecast. However, there are still uncertainties about the development of the number of expired driving licenses. The CBR should provide even more clarity on this. 

The documents show that people will be confronted with an expired driving license for longer due to the long lead times. Based on the CBR's forecast, the worst-case scenario is that the CBR will only have its turnaround times in order again in mid-2021. In the best-case scenario this will be in the summer of 2020.

Changes in the organization.

A number of changes have been made to management. A new Director of Operations started on 1 January and the General Manager recently left the CBR. The search for a new general manager is in full swing. 

The Minister expects to complete the appointment before the end of the year. Since the summer, the management has been supported by the director of ABDTOPConsult and former SG of OCW, Mr Hans van der Vlist.

The IT department has also been strengthened and the management of the Driving Fitness division has recently been replaced. The provision of information from the CBR to the ministry still needs to be improved.

Also read: Driving license for over-75s possible

drivers license
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