DigiD source code for services such as Public Transport Pension Fund

Image: Martijn Beekman - Alexandra van Huffelen.

Government shares source code of DigiD app so that citizens can watch

From 30 January 2023 you can only log in to MijnOverheid with the DigiD app or SMS verification. This means that from now on you will always need your phone when logging in. In that context, the State Secretary of the Interior and Kingdom Relations for Digitization and Kingdom Relations Alexandra van Huffelen has instructed the manager Logius to publish the source code. 

With DigiD, citizens can log in to public service providers in a safe and reliable manner, after which they can view their data and handle matters. Based on this Woo request (Government Revelation Act), Logius has started investigating how the source code of DigiD can be made public in a responsible manner.

open process

Logius investigated publishing the source code of DigiD in two phases: first the source code of the DigiD mobile app and then the source code of the DigiD software that runs at Logius. A review with internal and external experts has shown that the source code of the app can be released almost entirely. 

Transparency and security are important values โ€‹โ€‹of digital government. This also applies to software developed by the government and in line with previous 'open source, unless' policy. By the way, the source code that was published is from an older version of the app that could be downloaded from the app stores.


The source code of the DigiD app is published in the source code publication space of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations on GitHub. Some fragments in the source code can pose a security risk to the continuity of DigiD. This includes information about the infrastructure on which DigiD runs. These fragments have been omitted in the published source code and replaced by the letter 'S' ('security'). In addition, fragments from which personal data of developers can be traced have been replaced by the letter 'P' ('privacy').


The source code of the DigiD mobile app is made public in a careful manner, so that the use of DigiD remains safe and reliable for everyone at all times. You use DigiD to prove who you are if you need to arrange something online and it is also used by the government, but also in education and healthcare. DigiD is a service of administrator Logius, which is part of the national government.

Image: Martijn Beekman โ€“ Alexandra van Huffelen.

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