SBI code 4932 taxi transport has been added to TOGS

TCA Amsterdam

The missing SBI code 4932 transport by taxi has been added to the SBI list for TOGS. Many taxi drivers can now use the all-important TOGS scheme. More companies that have run into problems due to government measures still receive compensation of EUR 4.000 from the government. 

The government is thus responding to the commotion among many SMEs who recently complained that they would not be eligible for compensation. State Secretary Mona Keijzer of Economic Affairs promised to come up with a solution last week. It has now been found by expanding the list of business activities. 

Taxi operators last Monday submitted a petition to State Secretary Keijzer of Economic Affairs and Climate to claim the Entrepreneurs Affected Sectors Allowance (TOGS). As spokespersons, Hedy Borremans (TCA) and Marcel Chandrikapersad (UTC) knocked on the door of the government via State Secretary Mona Keijzer (CDA) attention to ask for the worrying financial position they are in by COVID-19.

The taxi companies, platforms and the trade association have joined forces to support the drivers. Earlier they jointly sent a letter to the Secretary of State to sound the alarm. To date, unfortunately, this has not been followed and the taxi operators are not eligible for the 4.000 euros financial support.

Also read: Desperate taxi drivers demonstrate at the Malieveld

Marcel Chandrikapersad
Mona Keizer
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